Indian filmmaker Shyam Benegal's National award winning movie "Manthan" will be screened at the fourth Culinary Cinema at the 60th
edition of Berlinale Film Festival.
"Manthan", released in 1976, will be among 11 films revolving around the relationship between food and love, nature, and the
environment that will be presented in the section, a release on the official website of the film festival stated.
Set amidst the backdrop of the White Revolution of India (Operation Flood) which brought in an era of plentiful production and
distribution of milk, the movie was financed by 500, 000 dairy farmers who donated Rs.2 each.
While the Berlinale is to be held Feb 11-21, the Culinary Cinema will be held from Feb 14-19.
Saturday, January 16, 2010 11:49 IST